
Money Or Your Life? As a Financial Consultant, you can have both

Next to oxygen and water, money is probably the most basic essential to living in the modern world. Which is why financial planning services continue to be a high-growth, and therefore, high-earning industry. Financial consultants enjoy a wide range of work flexibility and diversity. From where, when, and how much to work, to who to work with. Of course, the returns are closely correlated to how much the consultant is invested in the work. Monetary gains aside, a career as a financial consultant can be immensely satisfying to the soul. We play a positive role in helping our clients navigate the financially demanding milestones of their lives. So if you are in the market for a career where you can be your own boss, earn in tandem with your aspirations and help others reach their life goals, financial consultancy is a worthy consideration. “Do you have what it takes?”, you may ask. source

Rich vs Prosperous

People view money in different ways – for some it’s a means of survival, for others, a mere play thing. When it comes to saving and investing, most younger people are unaware of how to best use their money to make them prosperous over a longer period of time, instead of just richer. “Work hard today, so you can breathe easy tomorrow.” Sounds easy? Perhaps it is! One of the biggest mistakes most millennials make these days, is not having a financial plan. Being prosperous involves making the right choices with your riches, irrespective of how much you earn. Most experts and authors are of the view that people can get rich quick, but to remain prosperous over time, it takes good money management; here’s are five essential virtues for a good start: Learn the Math Keep tabs on your worth Visualise your roadmap Build (and manage) your resources Get a money mentor source

Pair Up To Stay Up: Financial Planning With Legal Advice

“SG Alliance has forged strategic partnerships with like-minded legal professionals such as Quadrant Law LLC, a specialist in corporate and commercial law. All you need to do is reach out and get in touch.” Financial consultants and legal experts make for a powerful combination for clients. Whether personal or business, almost every aspect of life events with financial impact is regulated. From growing and protecting wealth to distributing and claiming it. Yet, people often seek or provide expert advice in silos – with financial solutions drawn up without legal input, or vice versa. As part of its partnership commitment, Quadrant Law LLC is providing complimentary consultation for the first half hour to SG Alliance clients. source

Ahead of the Curve

As part of its partnership commitment, Quadrant Law is providing complimentary legal consultation for the first half hour. While the trend of strategic partnerships between financial and legal advisors has kicked off in some developed economies, practitioners in Singapore remain rather late in the game. Which is why Quadrant Law founder and director, Bernard Tan, is excited about the value-add his profession can bring to the financial planning table with its strategic partnership with SG Alliance Pte Ltd. “Part of a lawyer’s skillset is identifying risks in any proposed solution. Financial consultants can tap on that. Even better, the lawyer and consultant can together get a common understanding from the client, provide coordinated views and suggest solutions that actually work from a holistic perspective for the client,” says Tan. The client is not the only winner in this arrangement. Integrating professional legal expertise as part of their holistic service approach can be a differen...

ONLINE SHOPPING: Personal Financial Advice for Shopaholics

‘Oniomania’, the uncontrollable urge to buy things, has become somewhat of an ‘acceptable addiction’ these days. With more people confined to closed quarters and working from home due to pandemic movement restrictions, online shopping has become a convenient way to access necessities, grab great bargains, and even quell boredom. According to BestInSingapore1 , online shopping websites like Shopee, Lazada and Qoo10 have gained huge momentum, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Analytics reveal that some of the largest purchases were made by Singaporeans falling under the demographic of 25-34 years old, with an average S$440 being spent per shopper on e-commerce platforms. According to Credit Counselling Singapore, more than 10,000 people have fallen prey to financial troubles arising from overspending. A recent Straits Times report3 reveal that personal debt for young people in Singapore has soared during the pandemic; the average personal loans and overdraft balances for under 30 ros...