
Showing posts from December, 2014

Never Too Young For Insurance

Why do you need Life Insurance cover If you have a family, a partner or someone who depends on you financially and who would not be able to cope financially without your income,  it is essential that you have life insurance .  It is never too young to get life insurance cover because the younger you are the cheaper it is to buy life insurance. On the other hand, the older you are the more you will have to make sure your family and love ones have enough money to live on if you pass away. More importantly as you get older, medical problems could also mean that life insurance premiums will get much more expensive. If you buy life insurance with guaranteed premiums when you are young the amount you pay will stay the same until the end of the policy. How much does Life Insurance cost? Over the last decade the cost of life insurance has fallen between 20 to 30%. Prices for both term and whole of life insurance policies are now almost a third cheaper than they were in the 200...