Guaranteed Issue vs Term and Whole Life Insurance

Understanding the differences in life insurance choices to find the best price. Yuri_Arcurs/DigitalVision/Getty Image There are various points in life when people decide they need life insurance. Once you've come to that decision, you will usually be presented with several options and plans. Knowing which type of life insurance is best for you can really help save you money and make sure that the decision you make will give you what you are looking for. Do I Need Life Insurance? If you are wondering if you need life insurance, you probably do. Life insurance isn't just for when you get married, are buying your first house, or have children. There are many reasons a person may need life insurance, and some good strategies behind when to get life insurance and what kind of insurance to get. Some situations may call for short term life insurance policies, in other situations whole life policies may make more sense. What Type of Policy Should I Get? Before you decide wha...