
Showing posts from 2021

Term Insurance vs Traditional Life Insurance

In today’s day and age, it is very important to have insurance coverage in order to deal with the uncertainties of life. With the burgeoning need of insurance policies, there are a plethora of insurance products available in the market. However, choosing the right insurance plan according to one’s own suitability depends on various factors. It is important to consider factors like time period, age, number of dependents, and the amount of coverage required before zeroing on an insurance policy. So, doing a little bit of research before making a final decision always helps in choosing the right insurance policy. If we talk about term insurance and a traditional life insurance policy, then both the plans have some advantages and some limitations.  Let’s take a look at these in details in order to understand whether you should consider buying term insurance or a traditional life insurance policy. source

Singapore Puts Claim Limits on Health

But Asian Tigers Set Expense Limits to Protect Citizens I came down with flu yesterday and had to see the doctor. The bill came up to quite a hefty sum. So it set me thinking – you feel very insecure to see a doctor in Singapore. It is so expensive here and there is no cap on how much Singaporeans and the people living in Singapore have to pay for healthcare. So, I decided to take a look at what the other Asian Tigers (Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea) and Japan do with their healthcare system. This is what I found. source

Healthcare in Singapore


What Is A Healthy Weight?

As obesity is a serious threat to your health, it’s important to understand the right way to lose weight. Here are some things you should know about why it’s important to maintain a healthy weight and how to manage your weight effectively. How To Achieve A Healthy Weight In order to achieve a healthy weight, it is important to first understand the dangers of obesity. Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat accumulates and puts you at risk of a variety of health problems. This excess fat may reduce life expectancy and increase the risk of other health problems, so it is vital to maintain a healthy weight. Know Your BMI  There are many ways to measure body fat. However, the simplest is by calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI measures the relationship between your weight and height to calculate the amount of body fat you have. The higher your BMI, the higher the amount of fat in your body. read more

Insurance: Definition, Features (Explained)

In day-to-day life, the man is confronted with various risks. However great a genius he may be, it is not possible for him to foresee all the calamities that are in store for him and to provide necessaries for them to advance. Many happy lives are ruined either by the untimely death of the earning member of the family or by other disastrous calamities such as floods fire, earthquake war, accident, etc. which may take a heavy toll of human life. These risks are such which cannot be known in advance as to when they win happen and it is physically impossible for an individual to make provision against them by him. Insurance is a device not to avert these risks but to mitigate they’re rigorous on individuals. source

Health Insurance Riders: Are They Necessary?

Riders work well when they are designed to reduce or eliminate additional expenses HEALTH INSURANCE RIDER:​do you need to add this to your insurance? A health care insurance rider can help take the sting out of large medical bills, allowing policyholders to pay next to nothing or nothing for their treatments. This is because hospitalisation plans typically don’t cover a full medical bill. The insured has to pay a portion of the bill, such as a deductible (the threshold at which the insurance company will start to reimburse the insured for treatments) and a co-payment (the percentage of the rest of the bill that the insured pays). For example, if the bill is $10,000, the deductible amount is $3,000, and the co-insurance percentage is 10 per cent, the insured will have to pay the first $3,000, plus 10 per cent of the remaining $7,000 before insurance kicks in. In other words, he pays $3,700 and the insurance company pays $6,300. Hospital bills for major ailments and critical illnesses ca...

3 ways to make an extra $1,500 a month

When you retire When it comes to financial planning, small and specific goals are best. Aspiring to make $15,000 or $25,000 a month without working is all well and good, but don’t forget to take concrete steps to secure a realistic amount. With some discipline and prudence, it’s not unrealistic to aim for an extra $1,500 a month (on top of CPF payouts) after retirement. First of all, why an extra $1,500 a month?  An extra $1,500 a month may not seem dramatic but its effects on retirement can be life changing. Consider that the average Singaporean, who retires with the Full Retirement Sum of $166,000 in CPF, will only get around $1,280 to $1,380 per month (estimated payout via CPF LIFE). That comes to about $44 per day. If that seems enough to you, you’re forgetting to account for the effect of inflation.  Let’s assume an inflation rate of 3% per annum and look ahead 25 years. At that rate, something that costs a dollar today will, by rough estimate, cost around $2.09 by ...

How to Survive a Car Insurance Claim Under Investigation

If you’ve been in an accident and your vehicle has been damaged, you're likely hoping to receive enough money from an insurance claim, minus your deductible, to cover the related expenses. It's not always that easy, though, because the insurance company also is trying to save as much money as possible and not pay you any more than they absolutely have to. Expect your insurer to do everything it can to make sure it is paying no more money than necessary, and that might include finding cause to deny your claim in full or in part. After You File: Once you’ve completed the process of filing a claim with your car insurance company, a claims adjuster is usually assigned to your case. This person is an employee of the insurance company and is going to do as much work as is needed to pay you in a reasonable amount of time if your claim is legitimate and not pay you anything if it isn’t. This claims adjuster may contact you or your attorney for details and to confirm the information ...

Look out for gaps in insurance coverage

No one wants to be caught short when a life crisis strikes, so it's no wonder that the risk of being financially unprepared tops the list of concerns among Singaporeans. Buying appropriate insurance cover is a way of transferring this risk and getting some protection, but how much is enough and what policies should you consider? A 2012 study by the Life Insurance Association Singapore (LIA) on under-insurance identified a $462 billion gap for working Singaporeans and permanent residents. source

How Much Money Should You Save Each Month?

How much money should you save each month? The simple answer is, as much as you can. Everyone makes a different amount each month. They also have different monthly financial obligations. It is important to realize that one dollar amount is not going to work for everyone. Here are some basic guidelines you should follow when determining how much you should save each month. The 10 Percent Rule: The standard that many experts set is at least 10 percent of your income. This is a good starting point. It is an easy way to start because it is a set amount of money each month. It should not be that difficult to save 10 percent of your income, but you may want to increase this amount over time. Eventually, you can work up to 20 or even 30 percent to increase your savings and plan for your future. Beyond Retirement Savings: It is important that you are saving in addition to the money you are putting in your retirement savings account. If you do not, you will never save up money for an emer...

What You Need to Know About CareShield Life

​CareShield Life takes effect from 1st Oct 2020. What is it all about? CARESHIELD LIFE gives basic financial protection against severe disability What you should know about CareShield Life: CareShield Life replaces ElderShield (Those who are on ElderShield can opt to switch). CareShield Life will be automatically effected on all Singaporeans born 1980 or after. CareShield Life provides basic financial protection in the case of severe disability. Premiums will be deducted from MediSave account. On 1st October 2020, the compulsory CareShield Life will take effect for all Singaporeans. CareShield Life is the national insurance scheme that replaces Eldershield (which covers those born in 1979 or earlier). It offers basic financial protection for those who suffer from permanent disability and need long term care. source

The Prestige Club 2021
