Health Insurance Riders: Are They Necessary?

Riders work well when they are designed to reduce or eliminate additional expenses HEALTH INSURANCE RIDER:do you need to add this to your insurance? A health care insurance rider can help take the sting out of large medical bills, allowing policyholders to pay next to nothing or nothing for their treatments. This is because hospitalisation plans typically don’t cover a full medical bill. The insured has to pay a portion of the bill, such as a deductible (the threshold at which the insurance company will start to reimburse the insured for treatments) and a co-payment (the percentage of the rest of the bill that the insured pays). For example, if the bill is $10,000, the deductible amount is $3,000, and the co-insurance percentage is 10 per cent, the insured will have to pay the first $3,000, plus 10 per cent of the remaining $7,000 before insurance kicks in. In other words, he pays $3,700 and the insurance company pays $6,300. Hospital bills for major ailments and critical illnesses ca...