Is your Shield Plan keeping up with the times?

72% of Singaporeans agree that they cannot afford to get sick these days due to high medical costs*. Healthcare costs are rising faster than the cost of other goods and services+.

As the common saying goes, your health is your wealth. It couldn’t be more true.

Unexpected medical expenses could represent a significant threat to your finances. If unexpected hospital bills came along and you have no protection, or only partial protection, the impact on your savings might be substantial. Wise financial planning involves both saving for the things you want, and protecting yourself against the unexpected. Isn’t it time to consider a plan that helps you with both?

Introducing AIA HealthShield Gold Max, a Medisave–approved medical plan that helps you cope with rising healthcare costs

AIA HealthShield Gold Max and AIA HealthShield Gold Max Essential represent the basic components of comprehensive health insurance planning. They offer affordable long-term protection against unexpected medical bills


A medical expense reimbursement plan that offers protection against medical bills. It is designed to meet most of the medical expenses you are likely to incur in public and private hospitals in Singapore, to lessen your financial burden.

Enjoy more extensive coverage with these benefits:
  • Covers inpatient stay in Community Hospital
  • Congenital abnormalities benefit for insured (no waiting period) and female insured’s biological child
  • Living donor organ transplant for insured and non-insured donor
  • Post hospitalization psychiatric treatment
  • Additional claim limits and extended post-hospitalisation treatment for 30 critical illnesses
  • Waive one year’s premium upon total and permanent disability.


An optional add-on that covers any deductible and co-insurance portions of your hospital bill. This means you enjoy your coverage from the first dollar.

Additional valuable benefits include:
  • Daily hospital incentive
  • Immediate family member accommodation
  • Post-hospitalisation alternative medicine (for cancer and stroke)
  • Post hospitalization home nursing
  • Emergency outpatient treatment due to accident
Are you already adequately protected?

While CPF Medisave, CPF Medishield, and employer-provided health benefits offer some level of protection for most people, these measures do not add up to a comprehensive lifetime solution

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be more than happy to assist you.

Warmest Regards,

Jonathan Chua
RNF Reg No.: JCY300092300
Financial Services Consultant
Authorised representative of
AIA Singapore Pte Ltd (Reg. No. 201106386R)
AIA Tampines, 3 Tampines Grande
#04-01, Singapore 528799
T: (+65) 6349 6986 M: (+65) 9727 7414

*Source: Singapore‘s Emigration Conundrum, The Business Times, 6-7 October 2012
+ From 2006 to February 2010, the Healthcare Consumer Price Index has risen by 15.4%, compared with a rise of 14.8% in the General Consumer Price Index over the same period (Singapore Government Ministry of Health website MAS Monthly Statistical Bulletin January 2011)


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