AIA Critical Illness

Help ease your financial burden should you contract a serious illness

Sometimes, an event happens that has the potential to alter your way of life. Every day, 28 people in Singapore are diagnosed with Cancer+.

If you are struck by a critical illness, the medical treatment you require may not be covered in part or in full by your hospital expense plan, and any prescription medication that you may need could amount to a lot of money. You may also wish to seek pioneering or experimental medical treatment. What’s more, the combination of the illness, treatments and medications can often prevent one from being able to work or care for family, resulting in loss of income and unanticipated expenses such as childcare support.

Critical illness plans usually offer larger, lump sum cash payments and it’s up to you how you spend the money. Basic critical illness plans in the market provide coverage for 30 common critical illnesses such as cancer, stroke, heart disease and kidney disease, and usually terminate after the first claim is made.

AIA Prime Critical Cover:

Get the help you want at the age you need it the most.

1 in 3 Singaporeans does not have critical illness cover*

1 in 3 will need to downgrade their standard of living should critical illness strike them in the future*

69% of Singaporeans have at least one health condition*

AIA Prime Critical Cover is designed to provide you long-term and comprehensive protection when you need it the most. It offers adults aged 40 – 70 years affordable and accessible protection against 40 conditions, and guarantees you coverage up to age 100. Because getting protected should be easy, even as the years go on.


Easier access to wider critical illness coverage

Guaranteed coverage up to age 100

Receive early payouts for 7 conditions

Enjoy reimbursements of up to S$250 for your health screening expenses once every 3 years from the 4th policy year onwards

Important Notes:
This insurance plan is underwritten by AIA Singapore Private Limited (Reg. No. 201106386R) (“AIA”). All insurance applications are subject to AIA’s underwriting and acceptance. This is not a contract of insurance. The precise terms and conditions of this plan, including exclusions whereby the benefits under your policy may not be paid out, are specified in the policy contract. You are advised to read the policy contract.

Buying a life insurance policy can be a long-term commitment. You should consider carefully before terminating the policy or switching to a new one as there may be disadvantages in doing so. The new policy may cost more or have fewer benefits at the same cost.

The information is correct as at 28 April 2014.


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