Retirement planning tips, for today and tomorrow

What do you want to do when you retire? It may be a long way off (and a hard question to answer), but it’s important to think about life after you stop earning a regular paycheque. Whether your goal is to travel, learn a new skill, indulge in hobbies or simply maintain your current standard of living, you’ll need to rely on savings to cover the cost of these activities, in addition to your everyday expenses.

By doing the groundwork now and learning how much you need to save, you can let your dreams drive your retirement, rather than letting available funds drive your dreams. Here are three things you can do right now to boost your retirement savings, and three tips to help you a few years down the road.

3 things for today:
  • Cut spending
  • Maximize investments to pay less tax
  • Become debt-free
3 things for tomorrow:
  • Consider downsizing
  • Work longer and ease into retirement
  • Prepare for the unexpected



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